
Battle Scars – A different kind of book

I write novels. Thrillers. Stories to entertain you. Battle Scars is different. First, it’s a novella. You’ll read it in two or three hours. Second, it’s not a thriller, although you won’t be able to put it down. And third, there’s a message which I hope transcends this small book. If you’ve served our great nation in uniform, this book was written for you. And if haven’t served yourself, but you love your country, and understand the sacrifices made by our war fighters, then you should read it, too. In fact, I hope the whole world reads this little book, because it’s a story that needs to be told. Give me a couple hours of your time.

Heroism, brotherhood, sacrifice, love, guilt, PTSD, courage, redemption, and hope. It’s all inside this little story. Please read it.

SEPTEMBER 9, 2017  BATTLE SCARS receives a GOLD MEDAL at the MWSA Awards Banquet in San Antonio, Texas!

Military Writers Society of America – Historical Fiction

Battle Scars is available now

…and it may be one of the most important things I’ve ever done.

It began as a simple novella about a soldier struggling with PTSD, but over the weeks and months I’ve worked on it, it’s come to mean a lot to me … and to a lot of other people, too.

I’m proud and humbled to have so many veterans, at every level of military service, tell me how much Battle Scars meant to them, and how they think about it weeks and months after they read it. That means a lot to me, and I hope it means something to you as well.

The Kindle version of Battle Scars is only $1.99, and it’s available now. You can get a paperback copy for only $6.99. Both are available here.

I hope it means as much to you as it means to me…and to so many others.

A new web site. What do you think?

A long time ago, I put together a lame little one-page web site because, you know, we were supposed to have a web site (though I admit I wasn’t really sure why.) Now, at long last, I’ve got a web site that I can actually use … and I plan to.

If you haven’t already added your name to the e-mail list, please do. There’s some amazing stuff coming up soon, and I want everybody to know about it. I promise, I won’t send any junk mail to your inbox, and I’ll only bother you when there’s really something worth talking about. But if you like the stories I’ve told so far … you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter … and please, let me know what you think of the new site!

What Readers are Saying about David Salkin’s books …

Crescent Fire is red hot!

“This book has it all…relevance, intrigue, humor, great war toys and intricate looks into the passion of both the good guys and the bad guys.David Salkin rocks!!!”

"A great yarn!"

“This is a novel that reads like it’s been ripped from the front page of the New York Times.”

"Clancy, Higgins ... now Salkin"

“ .. a page turned and future classic!”

"As they used to say in the old days: 'Satisfaction guaranteed!'"

“Have read many thrillers over the course of my long life .. This book is not only ‘up there,’ but way up and above the rim. Taut “Am Proud of America” tale that is frightening, but at the end heart-warmingly leaves the reader confident we can prevail against anyone and anything.”

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